Life presents one challenge after another, some of which succeed at knocking the ill-equipped off of their course. Unfortunately, life at the office is no exception. Leaders have the unique task of holding their office team together through adversity, and the most effective way to achieve this is by grooming everyone to be resilient. Here are a few tips to make it happen.


Use Emotional Intelligence

Tackling the many layers of the workday while actively responding to others’ emotions is a riddle that a lot of leaders will never crack. A leader can gain helpful intel and prevent others from becoming both discouraged and overwhelmed by simply showing concern. Practice empathy as a tool to communicate genuine compassion for the team’s wellbeing.


Lead With Confidence

People subconsciously look to the leader for guidance. In observance to the spotlight, leaders must show confidence in everything that they do, especially under extreme pressure as people will naturally follow suit. Cynicism and the fear of risk-taking symbolize a lack of faith in oneself and others’ abilities, causing a team to be overwhelmed with doubt. Instilling confidence is vital because it reinforces the narrative that people are both limitless and resilient enough to bounce back from anything.



There is power in numbers, so use it to draw strength from one another. This can be done by implementing collaborative efforts to share ideas and solutions to get through tough times. Encourage the team to help each other and to take advantage of the unique talents of the collective. Not to mention, a little support goes a long way.


Employ a Forward Approach

Change is inevitable, so a team must learn to adapt while simultaneously improving themselves to become better equipped to take on future challenges. Instead of harping on the past’s misfortunes, constantly remind everyone to use failures and inconveniences as tools for improvement and never lose sight of the path ahead.


Resiliency isn’t taught overnight and will require some hard knocks for the concept to stick. However, everyone is capable of being groomed to find comfort in unstable situations, so with the right strategies and constructive thinking approaches, an office team can find the strength to move from challenge to challenge without breaking a sweat.